How Long to Wait for PVC Glue to Dry : Expert Way to Do It

How Long to Wait for PVC Glue to Dry

If you’re using PVC glue to fix a broken pipe or to put together a new piece of furniture, you’ll want to make sure that it dries properly. PVC glue works well for this task.

When you’re working with PVC glue, you have to know how long to wait for PVC glue to dry. The time frame of drying indicates how quickly you can use the object.

Here, we will give you time guidelines for different types of glue. We will also discuss the factors that affect drying time so that you can make an informed decision about which type of glue to use. Let’s get started!

What is PVC Glue, and What Does It do?

glue pvc pipe

PVC glue is a type of adhesive that is used to join two pieces of PVC pipe together. It is also known as PVC pipe cement. PVC cement consists of an activator and a resin.

The activator is what makes the glue harden, and the resin is what makes it sticky. A chemical reaction occurs when they are mixed, causing the glue to harden.

The beauty of PVC glue is that it dries quickly and creates a strong bond between the two pieces. It is also waterproof so that it can be used outdoors.

PVC glue is available in two forms: regular and quick-set. Quick-set glue is also known as instant glue or super glue. It dries faster than regular glue, but it is not as strong.

How long to Wait for PVC Glue to Dry Depending on Various Factors?

time for pvc

The drying time of PVC glue is affected by several factors, including the type of PVC glues, materials, temperature, humidity, and pipe diameter. So you never say that the glue will dry in a specific amount of time.

PVC Types of Glue:

There are 3 types of  PVC glue or cement: Type N Cement, Type P Cement, and Pro-level PVC Glue. Each type of glue has different drying times.

Type N Cement:

This is the most common type of PVC glue. PVC cement such as this is used for irrigation and DWV (drain-waste-vent) systems and low-pressure applications.

It is cheaper than other types of cement. This PVC cement will take a few seconds to hold the pipes together. But it will take up to 30 minutes for the joint to set properly.

Type P Cement:

This type of cement is used for pressure applications, systems that operate above 14 psi. Type P cement has a stronger bond than Type N cement and can withstand water pressure and high temperatures.

It also has a longer setting time, so you have to hold the pieces together for about a few seconds. After that, it will take up to an hour for the joint to set properly.

Pro-level PVC Glue:

Professionals use this glue for high-pressure applications and systems that operate above 60 psi. It is the most vital type of PVC glue, and it can withstand higher temperatures.

You have to press the pieces together for a few seconds. After that, you can leave it for 24 hours to set properly.


The materials you are gluing together will also affect the drying time. If you’re gluing two pieces of PVC pipe together, it will dry faster than if you’re gluing PVC to wood.

Consequently, there are three types of plastic pipe such as PVC, CPVC, and ABS. How long it will take for the glue to dry also varies depending on the type of pipe.

PVC Pipes:

PVC is also known as polyvinyl chloride. It is a white or light-colored plastic that is used in plumbing and electrical applications. When you apply PVC glue to two PVC pipes, it will take about 30 minutes to an hour for the glue to dry.

CPVC Pipes:

CPVC is a type of plastic that is used in hot water applications. It is also known as chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. Compared to Polyvinyl chloride, CPVC is more resistant to water and heat.

If you are working with CPVC piping, apply multipurpose glue. It can withstand high water pressure and temperatures up to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re using CPVC glue, allow 5 minutes for better handling and up to 48 hours to dry and cure the glue.

ABS Pipes:

ABS is a black plastic that is used in drain, waste, and vent applications. It is also known as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. 

You may wonder if ABS glue dry before turning on water? Compared to PVC and CPVC, ABS glues are more resistant to chemicals and impact and withstand high water pressure. When using ABS yellow cement on ABS pipes, it will take 5 minutes to set and around 24 hours for the glue to dry and cure.


The temperature affects the drying time of all glue, but it is especially important with PVC glue. If it is too cold, the glue will not dry according to the package directions.

If it is too hot, the glue will dry too quickly and will not have time to form a strong bond. The ideal temperature for drying glue is between 20-40 degrees Fahrenheit.


Humidity can also affect the drying time of glue. If the air is too humid, the glue will not dry as quickly. If the air is too dry, the glue will dry too quickly and will not be as strong.

The ideal humidity level for drying PVC glue is between 40-60%. When the humidity increase, the drying time will increase up to 50%.

Pipe Diameter:

The diameter of the pipe you’re gluing together will also affect the drying time. If you’re gluing two small pipes together, it will dry faster than gluing two large pipes together.

In general, the larger the diameter of the pipe, the more glue you will need to use. And the more glue you use, the longer it will take for the glue to dry. So, if you’re gluing two large pipes together, it will take up to 24 hours for the glue to dry.

How to Apply PVC Glue?

pvc glue dry

Now that you know how long it takes for PVC glue to dry, you need to know how to apply it. PVC glue is a thick, white glue that comes in a can. It is applied with a brush or roller. Here is the process for applying PVC glue:

Step 01. Clean the Area:

First, you need to clean the area with dry cloth before gluing. This is important because the glue will not adhere to dirt or debris. Use a clean cloth to wipe down the area. Make sure to remove all dirt, dust, and debris.

Step 02. Apply Glue:

Once the area is clean, you can start to apply the glue. Polyvinyl chloride glue is applied with a brush or roller. For best results, apply a thin layer of glue to the area.

If you want to use PVC primer, you don’t have to let PVC primer dry before using glue or solvent cement. It works better if you use solvent cement and primer before gluing. 

Step 03. Join the Pieces:

After you have applied the glue, you can join the two pieces together. You should align the pieces correctly before joining PVC pipes.

Step 04. Clamp the Pieces:

After you have joined the two pieces together, you need to clamp them in place. This will help to hold the pieces together while the glue dries.

Step 05. Wait for the Glue to Dry:

Now, you need to wait for the glue to dry. How long you need to wait will depend on the type of glue you’re using and the conditions in the room.

It will take 15 minutes to dry and 24 hours for the glue to cure. Once the glue is dry, you can remove the clamps and use the joint.

How to Speed Up the Drying Time?

red hot blue glue

There are a few things you can do to speed up the drying time of PVC glue.

Use a Hair Dryer:

If you’re in a hurry, you can use a hair dryer to speed up the drying time. Simply point the hair dryer at the glued area and turn it on high. The heat will help to evaporate the moisture in the glue, which will speed up the drying time.

Use a Fan:

Another way to speed up the drying time is to use a fan. Point the fan at the glued area and let it run until the glue is dry.

Increase the temperature: You can also try increasing the temperature in the room. This will help to evaporate the moisture in the glue, which will speed up the drying time.

Decrease the Humidity:

If the humidity is high, it will take longer for the glue to dry. You can try using a dehumidifier to lower the humidity in the room. This will help to speed up the drying time of PVC pipe glue.


Q: How long Should PVC Cement Dry Before Turning on Water?

A: PVC cement must be allowed to dry for 24 hours before turning on the water. This will give the cement time to cure and create a strong bond.

Q: How long Should PVC Glue Dry Before Testing?

A: PVC glue should be allowed to dry up to 2 hours of cure time before pressure testing. If you are unsure if the glue is completely dry, then wait a few hours more. If the joint is still not strong after waiting the additional time, then you may need to re-glue the area.

Q: How long Does PVC Cement Need to Dry Before Pressurizing?

A: It depends on the type of glue you’re using. PVC glue needs about 15 minutes to set, while regular PVC cement can take up to 30 minutes to set. If you’re using a quick-dry cement, it should be ready in about five minutes.

Q: How soon Can I Turn Water on after Gluing PVC Pipe?

A: With most PVC cement, you should wait at least 30 minutes before exposing the repair to water based on temperature and humidity. If it’s too cold or humid, the glue will take much longer to set.


PVC glues are a great choice for many projects. They are strong and fast drying. But you have to know how long to wait for PVC glue to dry. Since the drying time can vary, it’s important to read the instructions on the glue before beginning your project.

Now that you know the different factors that affect drying time, you can decide which type of glue to use. If you need your project to be done quickly, you should use a quick-dry cement. When you’re not in a hurry, you can use regular PVC cement.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your project turns out great by following these tips. And you’ll know exactly the drying time for each type of glue.

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How Long to Wait for PVC Glue to Dry : Expert Way to Do It

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