How to Install Solar Heater for Above Ground Pool: 9 Factors

How to Install Solar Heater for Above Ground Pool

Keeping your swimming pool heated is very pricey, especially during the colder months. Solar pool heaters are becoming increasingly popular for heating pools. You will not only save money on your energy bill, but you will also be helping the environment.

An Solar heaters for A/G pools can save your energy bills while allowing you to enjoy a warm pool all year round. So you might benefit significantly from knowing how to install solar heater for above ground pool.

Listed below are the instructions for installing a solar heater for your A/G pool. Our discussion will also cover some helpful tips for ensuring that your solar heater works appropriately

Why Should You Install Solar Heater for Your Pool?

Install solar panels

Solar pool heating system is a viable alternative to the traditional gas pool heater or electric heater. Solar heaters provide convenient year-round pool heating for A/G pools. These systems use no fuel, making them environmentally friendly options for reducing carbon footprints.

The solar heater is one of the devices that can convert solar energy into thermal energy. It is a device used to heat water or fluid utilizing the sun’s radiation. In other words, it is a device that captures the sun’s rays and converts them into heat.

There are many reasons you should install a solar heater for the swimming pool in your home. Some of these reasons include the following:

  • These heaters are a renewable energy source.
  • They are environmentally friendly.
  • These heaters can replace electric and gas pool heaters.
  • Solar heaters save you money on your energy bill.
  • They can extend the swimming season.
  • These heaters increase the value of your home.
  • They are easy to install and maintain.
  • Heating your swimming pool with solar panels is a cost-effective method

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to heat your swimming pool, a solar heater is a perfect solution.

How to Install Solar Heater for Above Ground Pool?

Solar pool heating

Installations of solar heaters are not as complex as one might think. Many homeowners install heaters themselves. The following is a general guide on installing a solar heater for above-ground pools:

01. Planning:

The first step in installing a solar heater is to plan the installation. This includes measuring the area where the solar panel will be installed and determining the best location for exposure to the sun.

Solar heater planning also includes the measurements for the solar pool panels you need:

A/G Pool Size
Sq. Ft. of Pool SurfaceReqire Number of Panels -4*10Require Number of Panels -4*20
18’ Round A/G25421
21’ Round A/G34621
24’ Round A/G45242
28’ Round A/G61542
12’ * 24’ Oval A/G23021
15’ * 24’ Oval A/G28821
16’ * 32’ Oval A/G41042
18’ * 33’ Oval A/G47542

In most aboveground pools, you can probably achieve a temperature rise of 5-10 degrees with only one 4-inch by 20-inch panel. By doubling the solar pool panels, you would achieve twice as much heat!

02. Site Preparation:

As soon as you’ve chosen the site for your solar panel, clear away any vegetation or obstructions that could block the sun’s rays. You will also need to level the surface where the solar panels will be installed. If the surface is not level, the solar panel will not function correctly.

03. Building the Panel Rack:

Solar controller

The panel rack is the frame that will hold the solar panels. The rack can be made from wood or metal. It should be sturdy enough to support the weight of the solar panels. The rack should also be designed to allow for proper air circulation around the solar heater panels.

04. Securing the Rack:

Once the rack is built, it must be attached to the ground or a deck or fence structure. This can be done with screws, nails, or brackets. Moreover, a waterproof sealant should be applied to the rack to protect it from the elements.

05. Mounting the Solar Panel:

Install solar panels on the rack and allow it to face south (or southeast if the pool is in the northern hemisphere). Solar panels should be angled so that they receive maximum exposure to the sun.

06. Choosing a Heater:

The next step is to select a solar panel heater. There are many different types of heaters on the market, so choosing one best suited for your needs is essential. In addition, you will need to know the size of your pool to select the right solar heater.

07. Installing the Heater:

Installation is relatively simple once you have chosen a solar heater. Most heaters come with detailed instructions. Be sure to read and follow these instructions carefully.

08. Connecting the Heater:

Once the solar heater has been selected, it is time to connect it to the pool. This involves installing a plumbing line from the solar panels to the pool. The plumbing line should be installed in a way that minimizes heat loss.

09. Testing the System:

Before using the solar heater, it is essential to test it. This can be done by running the pool pump for a few hours. If everything is working correctly, the pool will begin to warm up.

By following these simple steps, you can install a solar heater. This will save you money, and also help reduce your carbon footprint.

Installing Solar Pool Heaters: Considerations

pool covered

Installing solar heaters is a great way to reduce your energy costs and help the environment. However, you should consider a few things before installing a solar heater:

  • Climate: A Solar controller works best in climates that have plenty of sun exposure. If you live in a climate with limited sun exposure, a solar heater may not be the best option.
  • Size of Pool: Heaters come in various sizes, so selecting the appropriate one for your pool is crucial. In addition, you will need to know the size of your pool to choose the right solar heater.
  • Placement: The solar panels will need to be installed in a location that allows them to receive enough sunlight. If there are any obstructions, the solar panels will not work correctly.
  • Maintenance: Heaters require regular maintenance to function properly. Be sure to read and follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance.
  • Average Temperatures: Heaters work best when the pool water temperature is below 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If the pool water heat is above 80 degrees, a solar heater may not be able to keep up with the demand.
  • Collector Efficiency: Not all solar panels are created equal. Some solar panels are more efficient than others. It is vital to select solar collectors that are best suited for your needs.

These are just a few things you should consider before installing a solar pool heater. These factors can help you ensure that your solar heater will work well and provide you with a maximum return on investment.

Tips for Maintaining Solar Pool Heater

solar heating

Solar heaters are a great way to reduce energy costs and help the environment. Still, they require regular maintenance to function correctly. Here are a few tips for maintaining your solar heater:

  • Keep the Solar Collector Clean: The solar panel should be kept clean. This can be done by using a garden hose to spray it down.
  • Keep the Plumbing Line Clear: The plumbing line should be kept clear of debris. This can be done by regularly cleaning out the filter basket.
  • Check the Fluid Levels: The fluid levels in the solar collector should be routinely checked. If the levels are too low, the solar panels will not work correctly.
  • Inflate the Solar Collector: If the solar panels are not inflated properly, they will not work correctly. Be sure to check the inflation levels regularly and adjust as necessary.
  • Periodically Test the System: It is crucial to test the system periodically to ensure it is working correctly. This can be done by checking the water temperature and observing the movement of the solar panels.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your solar pool heater running smoothly and provide you with savings on your energy bills.


Let’s look at some of the most frequently asked questions people have about solar heaters:

01. Can You Solar Heat an Above Ground Pool?

Yes, you can heat an A/G pool with a solar pool heater. An A/G pool can be adequately heated water with a small freestanding solar pool heater. However, you won’t need a pool heater designed exclusively for above-ground pools.

02. Do Solar Pool Heaters Really Work?

Yes, solar heaters work very well. Also, they are a great way to reduce your energy costs and help the environment.

03. How Well Do Solar Pool Heaters Work in Winter?

A solar-heated pool may not seem the best option during the winter months; however, heaters are still effective even during the winter months. Due to the reliance on the sun, solar energy can be accessed at any time during the year.

04. How Fast Will Pool Warm-up With Solar Cover?

Solar pool covers work by trapping the sun’s heat. This heat is then transferred to the water, which will warm the pool up faster. For every 12 hours that a pool cover is in place, the temperature can increase by 5 degrees F in an in-ground pool.


Installing a solar pool heater is a great way to reduce your energy costs and help the environment. If you’re considering installing a solar pool heater, it’s essential to consider the climate and temperature of your pool before making a decision.

Because solar heaters work best in sun-drenched environments, you must select a collection system that will suit your needs. Be sure there are no obstructions between the collector and direct sunlight and the size of your pool.

By following this article on how to install solar heater for above ground pool, you can be confident that your solar pool heater will provide you with years of warm swimming pleasure.

To help ensure that you have an efficient system in place, do not forget to consult with a qualified professional. Happy swimming!

How to Install Solar Heater for Above Ground Pool: 9 Factors

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