How to Clear Sewer Line Clogs | Extreme Easy Methods

How to Clear Sewer Line Clogs

Sewer line clogs are a huge hassle. Not only do they cause unpleasant smells, but they can also be dangerous. A backed-up sewer line can cause some serious problems. If not cleared quickly, the clog can overflow and create a disgusting mess.

If you’re dealing with a sewer line clog, don’t panic! You can do several things to clear the clog and get your sewer line flowing again. The following article discusses a few common methods for how to clear sewer line clogs.

We’ll also discuss some signs to detect sewer line clog, the causes of a sewer line clogging, and some easy steps to all the sewer line cleanout.

What are the Signs of a Clogged Sewer Line?

sewer pipes

If you’re not sure whether your sewer line is clogged, there are several signs you can look for. A few common symptoms of blocked sewer lines include:

  • Frequent Obstructions: If your toilet or other drainage system is backing up more often than usual, there’s a good chance your sewer line is clogged.
  • Gurgling noises in your drains: If you’re hearing strange gurgling noises, it could be a sign that the sewage is backed up and trying to find a way out.
  • Slow drainage in your sinks, tubs, and toilets: When your drainage is slow, it could mean that the clog is preventing the water from flowing correctly.
  • Water backing up into your drains: If your drains are overflowing, it’s a sure sign that there’s a clog and needs to be cleared as soon as possible.
  • Unpleasant smells coming from your drains: If your drains are giving off an unpleasant smell, it’s usually a sign that something is backing up the sewage.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s probably time to clear out your sewer line clog.

What Causes a Clog in the Sewer Line?

plumbing system

Sewer line clogs are a significant problem for homeowners, and they can be expensive to fix. It is a common problem that many different things can cause. This problem can cause backups that contaminate water and unpleasant smells. 

Many things can cause a sewer line to clog. Some of the most common causes of blocked sewer lines include:

  • Paper and Other Debris: A common culprit of sewer line clogs is paper and other debris. These items can easily clog up your drains if you’re not careful.
  • Hair: Another common cause of sewer line clogs is hair. Hair can easily build up and form a clog in your drains.
  • Food Particles: Food can also be a leading cause of sewer line clogs. If you’re not careful, food particles can easily find their way into your drains and cause a clog.
  • Severe Sewer Pipe Damage: The sewer line can sometimes become clogged due to severe sewer pipe damage. This can be caused by tree roots, aging sewer pipes, or other factors.
  • Root Infiltration: If tree roots infiltrate your municipal sewer line, they can cause a clog. Tree roots are a common cause of sewer line clogs.
  • Flushing Debris Down the Toilet: One of the worst things you can do is flush debris down the toilet, such as tissues. This can easily cause a clog in your drain line.

These are some common causes of clogged main sewer drain lines. If you’re dealing with a sewer drain clog, it’s essential to identify the cause so you can take steps to prevent it from happening again.

How to Clear Sewer Line Clogs – Some Convenient Methods

clogged sewer pipe

Now that you know the signs of a clogged drainage line and some of the common causes, it’s time to learn how to clear the clog. There are several methods you can use to remove blocked sewer lines. Here are a few of the most common ways:

Mechanical Drain Cleaning:

One of the most common methods for clearing a clogged drainage line is mechanical drain cleaning. This involves using some special machine to clear the clog:

The Bent Wire Hanger:

This is probably the most common method for clearing clogged sewer lines. All you need is a bent wire hanger. Simply straighten out the hanger and use it to clear the clog.

The Plunger:

Another common method for clearing a clogged drain line is the plunger. This can be done with a standard plunger or a unique sewer plunger.

The Vacuum Cleaner:

If you have a vacuum cleaner, you can clear the clog. Simply attach the hose to the sewer line and turn on the vacuum cleaner. This will create suction and help to clear the clog.

The Drain Snake:

If the clog is further down the line, you may need a drain snake to clear it. This is a long, flexible cable inserted into the sewer line to clear the clog.

The Sewer Jetting:

If the clog is nasty, you may need to use sewer jetting. This is a process where high-pressure water is sprayed into the main sewer drain line to clear the clog.

Chemical Drain Cleaning:

blocked sewer drain

If all of the above methods fail, you can use a chemical drain cleaner method. These products are designed to break up clogs and clear the drain line.

While each of these methods can effectively clear clogged drain lines, some are more effective than others. Some common techniques are:

Vinegar and Baking Soda:

This is a common chemical sewer line cleaning method that can effectively clear jammed drain lines. All you need is vinegar and baking soda.

Pour the vinegar down the drain and then follow it up with a cup of baking soda. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and then flush with boiling water.

Drain Cleaner:

If you want a more potent solution, you can try using a drain cleaner. There are many different types of drain cleaners on the market, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Just be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly.

Caustic Soda:

Another option is to use caustic soda. This strong chemical can break up clogs and clear the drain line. However, it must be used with caution as it can be dangerous if not handled properly.

Salt and Baking Soda:

Another option is to use salt and baking soda. This is a more natural option than using caustic soda and can be just as effective in clearing a clogged main sewer drain line.

Dish Detergent:

You can also try using dish detergent to clear blocked drain lines. Just pour a small amount down the drain and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Then flush with warm water.

Baking Soda, Vinegar, and Water Pressure:

If all else fails, you can try baking soda, vinegar, and water pressure. This is a three-part method that can effectively clear a clogged line.

First, pour a pot of boiling water down the drain. Next, pour a cup of baking soda down the drain. Finally, pour a cup of vinegar down the drain. Let it all sit for about 30 minutes and then flush with boiling water.

Boiling Water:

If you don’t have any of the above products, you can always try using boiling water. Pour a pot of boiling water down the main sewer line and let it sit for about 30 minutes. This will help to break up the clog and clear the line.

The Steps to Clear a Clogged Sewer Line

municipal sewer system

The unmistakable odor emanating from your bathroom or kitchen is indicative of a blocked drain that is backing up due to a buildup of hair, skin cells, grease, food particles, and other questionable matter in your home’s plumbing system.

The following are the easy steps to clear a sewer line clog:

Step 01. Locate the Clean-Out Fitting

This is an opening in the ground near your home where a sewer line or storm drain can be accessed. It’s usually located in the yard, but it could also be in the basement, garage, or even inside the home.

Step 02. Slowly Loosen the Main Sewer Line Cover

Using a wrench or a pipe fitting tool, loosen the home’s main sewer line cover enough to get a glimpse of the inside of the piping.

If you can’t see anything, that means the clog is further down the line, and you’ll need to use a longer snake or another method to clear it.

Step 03. Let the Buildup Out By Using Any of the Upper Method

Once you can detect the clog, use any upper methods to clear it. Remember that these methods will only work if the clog is not too far down the line.

Step 04. Use the Drain Snake/Plumbing Snake to Clear Remaining Clogs

Carefully insert the drain/plumbing snake into the main sewer line until you hit the clog. Turn the snake handle to rotate the snakehead and break up the clog. If it’s a severe clog, you may have to use a hacksaw to cut through it.

Step 05. Flush with Hot Water

Once the clog is cleared, flush the line pressure with hot water to clean out any remaining residue.

Step 06. Replace the Sewer Line Cover and Secure It

Replace the main sewer line cover and tighten it in place. If you had to remove any screws or bolts, make sure to put them back where they belong, so the cover doesn’t come loose again.

If you follow these easy steps, you’ll be able to clear blocked drainage lines in no time. But if the clog is too severe, you may need to call a professional to take care of it for you.

Clearing a Clogged Sewer Line: Precautions

main sewer line clogged

When attempting to clear a clogged sewer line, it’s essential to take some precautions:

  • Wear gloves and safety glasses while working with caustic soda or any other products mentioned.
  • Make sure you have children and pets out of the way and that they can’t get near the area you’re working in.
  • If you’re using a snake to clear the clog, be careful not to damage the piping.
  • Replace the main sewer line cover and tighten it in place if needed. If you had to remove any screws or bolts, make sure to put them back where they belong, so the cover doesn’t come loose again.
  • Flush the line with hot water after clearing the clog to clean out any remaining residue.
  • Keep a close eye on the area for a few days to ensure no further problems. If there are, you may need to call a professional.

Tips for Clearing Main Sewer Line Clog Successfully

Although it may seem like the main sewer line clog is a problem that only plumbers have to deal with, the truth is that anyone can clear a blocked sewer line if they have the proper tools and know what to do.

Here are some tips for clearing a main sewer line clog successfully:

  • Locate the clean-out fitting before attempting to clear the clog. This will make the process much easier.
  • If you can’t see anything in the piping, that means the clog is further down the line, and you’ll need to use a longer snake or another method to clear it.
  • Try one of the upper methods to clear the clog before using a drain/plumbing snake. This will save you time and effort if the clog is not too far down the line.
  • Flush the line with hot water after clearing the clog to clean out any remaining residue.
  • Ensure to replace the main sewer line cover and secure it in place if you had to remove any screws or bolts.

Clearing a main sewer line clog can be a daunting task, but if you follow these tips, you’ll be able to do it successfully. Just remember to be patient and take your time, and you’ll get the job done for future sewer line clogs.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to clear a clogged sewer line, remember that there are many options available. If the sewer clog is not too far down the line, try one of the upper methods before using a drain snake or plumbing snake.

After successfully clearing the clogged main sewer line, be sure to flush it with hot water so any remaining residue will come out quickly. Remember to replace any parts you may have removed from your covers, such as screws or bolts, to keep them in place securely.

We hope this article on how to clear sewer line clogs answered all the questions you may have had. If this task is too complex for you, contact a professional. There are several sewer drain cleaning services are available in every city. So, do not hesitate to ask for help when needed.

How to Clear Sewer Line Clogs | Extreme Easy Methods

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